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Objections To The Parliament Oak Hotel Plan

This proposed commercial development should not be permitted in this low density residential area of the Old Town. Growth is inevitable and desirable, but destruction of our community is not.

When the developer purchased the property, he knew it is zoned for institutional use. The Official Plan allows for a rezoning application to low density residential rezoning if an institutional use ended:

A high density commercial use is not appropriate for this location. The building form, style, density and sheer scale of the proposal is overbearing and detrimental to the neighbourhood and the entire town. Low density housing in a form consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood properties and greenspace to reflect the heritage of this important property is appropriate and supported in both Official Plans.

This proposed development should not be permitted in this location of the Old Town

Contraventions of the Official Plans

Growth Management

OP 6A.4.6 - Intensification development within the Built-up Area should be compatible with surrounding existing and planned land uses as shown in the Land Use Schedules of this Plan. Intensification and/or redevelopment should be consistent with:

a) The existing and/or planned built form and heritage of the property and surrounding          neighbourhood;

c) The existing and/or planned densities of the surrounding neighbourhood; and,

d) The existing and/or planned height and massing of buildings within the surrounding neighbourhood.

f) Intensification and/or redevelopment shall be compatible and integrate with the established character and heritage of the area


OP 6A.15.3.1 (2) – Open Space And Community Facilities – “All lands designated open space and community facilities……… may be redeveloped for Low Density Residential Use”.

Op 6A.9.4. (4) – Residential Density, - “Special care will be taken in the Old Town of Niagara and Established Residential designations to maintain the low-density character……. demonstrating that there will be minimal impact on surrounding neighbourhoods and development”.


Height Massing and Scale

The hotel is over 60 ft high, containing 129 suites, 179 parking spaces and seating for 700 people in restaurants and event spaces

It is not consistent with OP 6A.4.4 Built-Up Area Intensification Policies, (h) The Town will ensure that intensification and redevelopment is consistent with the heritage and character of the Built-up Area.

OP 6A.4.4 Urban Design, (d) Bulk, mass and scale of new development shall fit the context within which it is located. OP 4.6.(a), (d) and (f),  (as shown above).

OP 6A.9.3.1 (1) In the low density residential designation the following uses shall be permitted: single detached, semi-detached and duplex dwellings.

OP 6A.9.4.1.d) (ii) f) – housing projects should be sensitive to the height, scale and architectural design of buildings in the surrounding neighborhood.

 OPR – “In considering an application for development approval on lands in the Established Residential and Residential designations, or on properties not currently zoned for high density residential development, Council shall ensure infill and intensification development and redevelopment respects and reflects the existing pattern and character of adjacent development, by adhering to the development criteria outlined below”:

a) the lot frontage(s) and lot area(s) of the proposed new lot(s) shall be consistent with the sizes of existing lots on both sides of the street on which the property is located;


b) the proposed new building(s) shall have heights, massing and scale appropriate for the site and generally consistent with that permitted by the zoning for adjacent properties  and properties on the same street;


j) the orientation and sizing of new lots shall not have a negative impact on significant public views and vistas that help define a residential neighbourhood;


OPR   Generally, building heights in Old Town, St. Davids, and Queenston do not exceed ten (10) metres (33’). This lowrise character will be maintained, and the implementing zoning bylaw will limit building height accordingly.

OP indicates the current Official Plan and OPR indicates the New Official Plan under review.

As demonstrated this commercial proposal directly contravenes many sections of the existing Official Plan and the New Official Plan. It should not be permitted in this location of the old town.


Letters, Articles and Presentations to Council


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Presentations to N.O.T. L. Council Meeting

Letters of objection to N. O. T. L. Council

Contraventions of the Official Plan and Urban Design Committee's response 

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Letters of objection to The Urban design Committee 

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